– Immuno-Oncology Essentials – Home Forums Immunotherapy Other Influenza and Tamiflu and Immunotherapy

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  • #4707
    Expert Nurse
    Avatar photoLisa Kottschade

      HI Everyone!

      As we continue seeing cases of influenza out in the community, I have had a lot of calls from patients lately who are on immunotherapy (particularly adjuvant patients) that they have a family member that has tested positive for Influenza and are either asking for Tamiflu or have already been prescribed the drug and wonder if they should take it. Our stance has been that we tell the patient that if they are asymptomatic and are not in the high risk category (i.e >65 years old, on chemotherapy or otherwise immunosuppressed) we are not recommending prophylactic Tamiflu if asymptomatic. I’m curious what other practices are doing with this population.


      Expert Nurse
      Avatar photoVirginia Seery

        Hi Lisa,
        I don’t think we have encountered this yet (surprisingly), but I would agree with your approach.

        Expert Nurse
        Avatar photoKathleen Madden

          HI Lisa,
          Despite the rampid impact of flu among staff, patients and community we have only had a modest inquiry from patients on ICI’s regarding taking prophylatic tamiflu. Our approach is congruent with that of yours, if at high risk, in a high risk situation (direct care provider for an flu + ill person), or demonstrating early onset sx then we typically are not recommending tamiflu.

          Homeopathic approach:
          Oscillococinium, 1 vial weekly during flu season, may serve as a respiratory protectant against respiratory aquired illnesses. This can be used in addition to regular good sleep, eating, hydration & stress management habits.
          This is not a guarantee just as tamiflu is not a guarantee of not acquiring the flu, but it may reduce risk and will not interfere with other medications.
          Oscillo can be found OTC at most pharmacies where homeopathic medications are available.

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